Talia's Planet (Recycling Humanity Book 5) Page 7
Where's Destry? I don't hear him in the room.
"We should have plans drawn up in a few days, and each of you will be assigned a team of engineers, junior engineers, and apprentices."
"Until then, make sure your areas are cleaned up, diagnostically healthy, and your teams ready. I'll send a new schedule out by the end of the day."
"Excuse me, but I don't think we've been properly introduced." I feel Zayn shuffle nervously beside me. "I'm Talia Jade."
"Yes, we all know that now, don't we? I'm the Senior Engineer. And I think we're done here."
"Wait. That can't be all we're discussing at this meeting. We have a lot of decisions to make." I clench my hands together.
"There are no discussions at my meetings. I just give out the information and my team leads do their jobs." I hear people all around me fidgeting.
His tone is warning me to stay quiet.
I choose to ignore it.
"Senior Engineer, for this project I've been put in charge by the Council and Captain Reyes, who is assisting the Council with project schedule oversight. I will have discussions among all engineers and trades crews." Nervous murmurs sound all around me. "I'm not sure why you weren't at the meeting last night, but maybe I need to remind you that this isn't a normal project. This isn't just a renovation of your ship, it's a complete overhaul of most systems, rearrangement of living quarters, and most of all, it's a community project. It's to save all of humanity, so I feel, and the Council has agreed, that the people will be involved. Not only do I want the engineers to be involved in the planning this week, the Commanders of each habitat are organizing Community Circles so that the people will have voices and will know what's going on with these projects."
The silence is heavy this time. I don't think anyone is even breathing. Except for the senior engineer. His breathing is rapid and labored.
The door behind me opens, and after a few heartbeats, "Is there anything wrong here, Senior Engineer?"
Destry. I cringe inwardly.
I turn toward the door. In this crowded room he's only able to come in a few steps. The senior engineer doesn't say anything. I imagine his face is red and swollen with anger, matching his high-pitched voice.
This must look pretty bad to Destry.
"I'm sorry Commander, this is my fault."
Zayn leans into me. A warning to tread carefully? "We came here this morning to discuss and organize this second project, but your senior engineer was about to dismiss everyone before involving them in the planning. I was just trying to update him on what we talked about last night at the engineering meeting, stressing the part where this project will involve everyone."
"Right. Seems that's a conversation I should've had with my senior engineer before today."
His stress on "my senior engineer" makes me shrink back. I can't tell if he's mad at himself or me.
"Why don't we take a half-hour break to make sure everyone has had breakfast, and I'll update Senior so we're all on the same page." His words are final, and everyone immediately streams past us, eager to leave the room.
The senior engineer exits the room in a huff, leaving Zayn and me alone with Destry.
"I'm sorry if I overstepped my role here, Commander."
"No, Talia, you were put in charge. I just didn't realize he wasn't at the meeting last night. That's on me. I should've given him warning. I’m not sure it would’ve done any good anyway. He's not crazy about this project at all." Destry laughs dryly. "I'll see you two back here in a bit."
Zayn and I don't hesitate to hurry out of the room.
Senior Engineer
When everyone gets crammed back into the makeshift office, murmurs around the room tell me that the Senior Engineer isn't present. Zayn whispers that his father won't meet his gaze. The situation makes my stomach churn. I hate strife among the crew. It makes the daily work more stressful and communication strained.
"Thank you all for meeting here this morning. I think if we have any further planning sessions, we'll meet back in the auditorium. There's more room and we'll have access to the holo computer." Cheers all around the room. Zayn elbows me, and I nod in agreement. The less time spent in this room, the better.
"So, for now I will have Miss Jade give us an outline of how we'll start today."
No explanation of where the senior engineer is?
It's a small room so I'm confident everyone can hear me where I’m standing by the door. "Although we're going to all be working together to make the big decisions on this project, I want to break us into smaller groups for accountability and focus. Each department or trade engineer will be assigned at least ten engineers and several apprentices each. These department heads will report directly to me so I know how each team is doing." I pause. No questions yet, so I keep going.
"I believe we can get this organized and drawn up by the weekend. At that time we'll see how each group is working together and whether or not we need to switch groups around for the best fit. We’ll also need to decide which habitat to remain working and living on. So this is a very important week not only for the Migration, but to all of you personally as well."
Murmurs circulate around the room as that sinks in. I lean toward Destry. "Commander, where is the senior engineer? Shouldn't he be here for this?"
"I'll be stepping in as senior engineer for now. I'll talk to you later about what happened," he whispers back.
I turn back to the crowd. I’m a bit shocked, but I try not to let it show on my face. "After the project starts, the same department heads will report directly to the Commander. He'll be in charge of this project, as I will be returning to the prison ship to start that retrofit. Any questions?"
The next hour passes by in a blur as the engineers ask really good questions. They seem starved for information and inclusion in the decisions we’ll need to be making. It makes me sad that such intelligent, talented people haven’t been allowed to grow to their full potential.
The one question that goes unanswered is why the Senior Engineer isn’t here. Between Destry and me, we satisfy the group with vague answers to that one. I break them up into their different disciplines, and ask the department engineers and trade leads among them to report to me later so I can get to know them better.
Not surprisingly, David is one of the senior engineers working with the bio star fuel engines. I ask him and the other department heads to bring their mobile computers to the auditorium in a few minutes.
Right now I'm anxious to hear what's happened with the senior engineer. He wasn’t a pleasant man, but right now we need someone in charge of this project so I can get back to the Resurrection.
The Commander is, of course, talking to one of the crew. It's admirable how he always makes himself available to them, but right now I wish he wasn't so talkative.
Zayn pulls me over to the side where there are a few chairs and we sit down, side by side, our legs touching.
"Zayn, did you have another mentor, other than the senior engineer?"
"Nope, it was just him."
I put my hand on his forearm. "Really? What about Doc Jones? He was mentoring you before."
"When I became an official apprentice I had to go under Senior Engineer in order to get my certification. Doc ended up helping at Midpoint as well."
"Then how were you able to get hands-on experience or get your questions answered?"
"I didn't. Not after Doc left. Why do you think I'm so worried? Senior never spent any time with us, and now it kind of looks like he's not going to be here."
"Do you think he quit?"
"Maybe." Zayn's voice sounds more upbeat at that idea.
"Did you at least figure out what discipline you want to study?"
"I think so. I really enjoyed the bio star fuel studies. Either that or navigation systems, since I'm already somewhat familiar with those." He bumps my shoulder with his.
I grin. "So I've been a good influence on you."
"Yes, I guess so. Other than it seems we always find some sort of trouble when we’re together."
"Scarp no, that's all on you. My life was routine until you crashed your ship."
"I did not crash it. I just miscalculated my fuel." He squeezes my knee.
I laugh. "Not sure you should go into fuel sciences then."
"See now that's exactly why I should go into it. To improve on my deficiency." He adds quietly so no one else can hear. "It’s been hard not being top of my class. I'm not used to it."
The chair creaks loudly as I try to lean closer to him to talk. I blush and straighten up. "What's with all the old furniture down here?"
"Engineering always gets the older stuff. I guess people figure we're engineers and can fix them." He pulls me to my feet.
"But that's not what–”
"Sorry about that, now I'm ready for you." Destry is suddenly next to us. "I'm afraid we'll need to walk and talk though."
We follow Destry out, Zayn lightly touching my elbow. Once we're out of the main engineering bay, Destry falls beside us so he can talk.
"In short, Senior was loyal to Captain Kae. I knew they were still friends and in touch, but I didn’t calculate how loyal he was to her. I think he would've sabotaged our whole project, so I let him go."
That just confirms my initial suspicions about the Senior and his attitude. "So how soon will you appoint another engineer to run the bay?"
"After we finish the designs this week. I want to see who really steps up for us. I don't want to have another lazy, non-loyal engineer like Senior on the final stretch to our home world." Destry's tone is dark. He must've known this engineer for a long time; the sense of betrayal in his voice is evident. "In the meantime I'll appoint Engineer Turashvili as the temporary Senior Engineer."
I hear a grunt from Zayn. I wonder if Zayn doesn't like David because of his attention to me yesterday, or if there's something else I don't know about David.
"That sounds like a great idea, Destry. Hopefully, there aren't any other issues with your crew this week that I need to know about?" I ask lightly, not wanting to offend, but needing to know. I only have a few days with this crew and I need to know I can trust them.
"We should be good with the rest. I'm not certain how many of them will stay aboard though." His voice drifts off as we turn a corner. The main shifts are starting as people fill the corridors.
"Where are we headed, Dad?" Zayn asks as we get on a lift.
"We need to check in with the Council. They said they have some news."
Charon's ice. I was hoping not to talk to them until the end of the week. A familiar nervous flutter starts in my belly, and I sink back against the wall. Right now I wish I were just a fuelie again, doing my job, not having to deal with politics or the Council.
Zayn leans in next to me, his arm warm against mine. I'm grateful for the touch. I don't think either of us knows how we're supposed to act around his dad yet.
The lift announces that we've arrived on the bridge level. I stand up straight.
Destry doesn't move when the lift doors open. Neither does Zayn. I'm instantly on alert, wondering what’s going on.
"You know it’s not too late to join back up with the scout team." Destry's tone is pleading. Why is he bringing this up now? Fluttering in my stomach turns into hard rock.
Zayn shifts next to me. "I know I haven't excelled in my engineering studies, yet, Dad. But I think once I have a better mentor–”
"You can't blame your performance on your mentor, son." His voice is gruff but still low so it doesn't carry outside the lift.
I suddenly want to melt back into the wall and be invisible. I know Zayn feels comfortable talking to me about his doubts, but I feel out of place as his dad confronts him.
Zayn pushes off the wall to step closer to his dad, brushing my shoulder as he passes. Since my parents died when I was so young, I don't remember any kind of family arguments. I'm not sure what to expect, but I know I'll support Zayn no matter which way this turns.
"That's not what I was trying to do, Dad. I'm sorry I've disappointed you and Mom by choosing a different path. But I really enjoy engineering, even if I'm not the star pupil. Can't that be enough for you?" There's anger mixed with hurt in his voice. But he stands his ground.
I knew they weren't happy with his change of career path, but I didn't realize that Zayn felt personally shunned by his parents. I guess I thought they had gotten used to it by now.
A commotion in the hallway shuts off further discussion. A crewman comes rushing up to the lift, shoes slapping on the hard floor. "The Council is asking for you, Commander," he says breathless.
"On our way." Destry hurries out, his steps matching the frantic pace of the crewman.
Zayn doesn't budge.
I place my hand on his arm. "Are you all right?"
He lets out a loud sigh. "I've been having this same conversation with them for weeks. Even though I'm studying engineering and off the flight schedule, they act like I'm going to change my mind at any moment."
"They just want you to make sure this is what you want to do." I pause. "They still think you’re choosing engineering because of me, don’t they?"
Zayn grabs my hand and tugs me out of the lift. "They might, but you and I know the truth. Besides, I consider that a bonus of my decision." He squeezes my hand.
I grin as we hurry down the corridor. "I know your dad thinks it's all my fault."
"Probably." Zayn laughs. "And in one respect you are at fault."
I stumble, forcing us both to slow down.
"Hang on, let me explain." He laughs as helps me keep my balance.
"I'm glad you're seeing humor in this situation." I frown.
"I just mean that I've always wanted to go into engineering. You know I've secretly studied it for years with Aunt Amira. But when I met you, and saw all that you've accomplished, and how much you enjoy your job, I was jealous."
"Yes, because of how much you love what you do. And I imagine that it wasn't easy for you to learn after your accident." He gives my hand another squeeze. "You're my inspiration on tough days. Days when I'm not understanding my lessons, nothing is going right, or when the Senior refused to answer my questions."
I'm speechless.
"Here we are. Ready, Miss Jade?"
I laugh at his formality. "Sure. Bring on the doubters and naysayers."
Council Chaos
We enter amidst angry voices talking over one another. Zayn and I both stop in our tracks. We let our hands drop as we're both stunned by the confusion and emotions flaring around us.
Destry finally notices that we're here and calls us over. The voices die out until it's dead quiet as we step next to the Commander.
"Now that we're all here, please update us Chairman Lee." Destry draws out each word, forcing the silence to remain.
"Thank you, Commander. As you can tell we have so many issues going on right now, we aren't thinking straight. Let's first address your problem there with your senior engineer. We've heard rumors you let him go. Is this true?"
"It really is amazing, Council, how fast news travels on ships separated by such distances."
I bite my lip. Destry is not happy. It had been less than an hour since we last saw the senior engineer. Things seem to be spiraling downward, and fast.
"Commander Dru informed us of the situation and then he, too, left." The Chairman matches Destry’s unhappy tone.
Scarp it. That's not good.
"And where did Commander Dru go?" Destry is barely containing his emotions.
"He has returned to his habitat ship. So far it's remaining in place, but we expect it to follow Captain Kae, since those were the threats he was making."
"And what’s happening with the security forces that you sent after her?"
"They've finally stopped the Aurora. So far she's just making random excuses for what she's done. Some emergency repa
irs, crew problems, a whole list of reasons why she's headed toward New Earth."
"And you believe her?” I ask, unable to keep my mouth shut even though I know I should. How many times will this woman convince this Council into believing she's sane and innocent? I clench my fists.
"Miss Jade, I understand your anger. And you've been very patient with us while we debated the recent charges against her."
"Please don't placate me, Chairman Lee. You know my history with her. She's dangerous and sick and needs to be stopped." My whole body is shaking.
Zayn slips his arm around my waist, as I stand rigid with anger.
Chairman Lee clears his throat. "As I was saying, you've been patient, but we've come to a decision."
My knees almost give out. If Zayn wasn't holding on to me I might've fallen. "And?" My heart races.
There are a few shouts behind the Chairman. "As you can imagine, it wasn’t a unanimous decision. But we've found her guilty of kidnapping and attempted murder."
Tears slide down my cheeks as Zayn hugs me tight, his body shaking now, too. She'll spend a good chunk of time locked up now.
"How much time?" I ask over Zayn’s shoulder.
"She'll serve the next fifteen years on the prison ship."
I freeze. Really, what did I expect? I feel exhausted and mentally bruised. I briefly wonder if I should stay on the Blue Ridge instead of the Resurrection.
"So you'll take her into custody?" Zayn asks.
It's the chairman's turn to sigh. "Yes, we're working on it right now. Thankfully, we still have a few operatives aboard the Aurora."
I think of Stefan who worked for Captain Kae yet ended up being a friend. "I hope you can get her to the prison ship without anyone else getting hurt."
Silence. They have no idea how to get her off her ship.
"And your other issue, Chairman Lee?" Destry’s irritation is thinly veiled.
I hear whispers as Chairman Lee converses with another member away from the vid.
"What's going on over there, Zayn?" I whisper.
He presses his lips up to my ear. "Looks like they're divided about something. Some of the members are actually just sitting back with their arms crossed. They don't look happy. The ones that seem to be with Chairman Lee are showing him vids of something. I can't see their screens."