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- Heather Lee Dyer
Talia's Planet (Recycling Humanity Book 5) Page 6
Talia's Planet (Recycling Humanity Book 5) Read online
Page 6
This time the crowd talks over one another to ask questions. The Commander has to quiet them down so I can speak again.
"I know there are a lot of questions. I told you it was important for you all to be here tonight." I smile. "We'll be outlining all three projects in detail by the end of the week. There are two things you need to remember, even if you still have a ton of questions. The first one," I hold up one finger, "is that these projects are extremely important and time sensitive. It'll take every single one of us working overtime to make them succeed." I hold up a second finger. "And two, because of the changed missions of the Blue Ridge and the Resurrection, everyone on board both ships will need to decide which ship to remain on. As you can imagine, it's not going to be a quick trip. Resources will be limited on both ships. We won't be with the main Migration group anymore, so there won't be trips to other habitats for shopping and visiting relatives for a while."
Dead silence. Well good, I think they finally understand how serious the situation is. I feel the Commander step close to me, and I'm glad for his support.
"I think that’s enough for us to think about this afternoon. Now you know why the engineering schedules are full for the next few weeks. When Midpoint is done, they'll send most of their crew here to help us. The Council wants this ship renovated and ready to leave within two weeks. We might have to slow the Migration down, to give our projects time to work and to allow time to decide on which planet we'll head toward." He claps loudly, startling me. He then proceeds to give out further directions for the day crews.
Here we go. Now let's hope this works.
I wait until the auditorium is mostly emptied before I step away from the podium.
"Did you need help getting to your quarters?" David asks quietly, as the Commander has turned to answer more questions from his crew.
"I might. I went straight to talk with the Commander, so I have no idea where they've put my stuff." I offer a tired smile.
"That's all right, I'll show her," Zayn says from behind me. He puts a hand on my arm.
I tilt my head trying to get a read on Zayn's tone. Jealousy? Irritation? "I appreciate the offer, David, but Zayn and I do have some business with the Commander still today. I'll see you in engineering tomorrow?"
"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow then. It was good meeting you, Miss Jade."
"You too, David."
I listen as his footsteps fade away.
"I'm glad David was able to show you the way here. But I was worried when you disappeared." Zayn lets go of me.
Right. "You were too busy with your fans. I needed to get here for the meeting." I bite my lip, hating how jealous that sounded out loud.
"I'm sorry, Talia. It's just been a while since I've been back home."
I lean against the podium, the exhaustion closing in now that adrenaline isn't coursing through me. "I'm sorry, too. I'm just tired and need some rest."
"Well, that will have to wait a bit longer. I've got an update from the Council for you." Destry is suddenly beside us.
Zayn takes my arm and we follow Destry to an office tucked behind the engineering auditorium. The room is stuffy and warm. I find a chair and sink into it gratefully. "I sure hope these are good updates."
"Somewhat," Destry says quietly.
I sigh deeply.
"One good thing is that the Council is pleased with the progress on Midpoint Station. And they're grateful to you for keeping the data on Planet 2 discreet for now."
"That's good. So what's really going on, Destry?" My filter tends to disappear when I'm tired.
Destry gets up from his chair and paces in the small room. "They’re of course anxious to get our final plans for the next two projects."
I nod. "Yes, that's why I'm here. We should have those to them by the end of the week." I wait.
"The other item is Captain Kae's trial."
I sit up straight.
Destry stops pacing. "It's still going on."
"Yes, but now that she's not working the gas routes, they're very concerned and decided to send security teams to the Aurora in the morning."
I frown. "And where is the Aurora right now?" I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Still heading toward the New Earth system."
"Why can't the Council stop them, Dad?" Zayn's chair creaks as he leans forward.
"How are they supposed to stop her if she won't voluntarily shut down her engines? We aren't armed."
"Remote fuel shut off?" I suggest.
"We’d have to be really close to her ship for that to work. So far she's not letting anyone that close."
I put my hands on my head. "Of course. She knows all the tricks." I turn toward Zayn. "She did the same thing when I lost my parents. She could've used the remote fuel shut off to stop the spread of the fire, but instead she got out of range quickly before anyone discovered what was going on." I grit my teeth, my jaw cracking as the rage inside me flickers.
"The Council thinks they can reason with her still."
I laugh. "Any other surprises I need to know about, Destry?" I feel lightheaded, not only from exhaustion but also from the emotions that always surface at the mention of her name.
"Nothing that can't wait until tomorrow. I just thought you should know that they're working on the situation." He sits back down in a chair across from me.
"I appreciate it, Destry. Although I won't sleep well until she's been held accountable for her crimes, I sure need to try tonight." I stand up, bracing myself on a console.
Zayn quickly stands up and takes my arm. "I agree. We can barely stay awake. Where have you put Talia's things, Dad?"
"In the empty room across from yours. We're going to be doing some room swapping so we can get several levels emptied for the colony supplies. You'll need to decide soon if you're going to come with us on the Blue Ridge, or go with Talia and the last group of engineers on the prison ship." The Commander's voice is tired, with a hint of sadness and maybe a bit of disappointment.
"Yes, sir." Zayn stiffly turns us toward the door.
"I'll see you at first shift tomorrow morning."
"Good night," I say over my shoulder as we head back out into the auditorium.
Zayn and I walk in silence until we get to the lift.
"So, you haven't made a decision yet which ship you'll stay on?" I ask quietly.
"I really hadn't thought much about it until you mentioned it in the meeting tonight. I always thought I'd be working with you on the Resurrection, I just didn't think ahead enough to realize we wouldn't be with the Migration." Again he's escorting me by an elbow. Not hand in hand.
I sigh. What did I think would happen? Just because we like each other and went through a lot of trauma together, that he would leave his friends and family and the only home he's ever known to live on a strange ship with a girl he just met?
"Don't worry, Zayn. I understand." I step into the lift and step away from him to lean against the far wall. "You have family and longtime friends here. And they need engineers here just like they would on the prison ship.
"But you and the prison ship will keep going toward Planet 2?" Zayn asks quietly.
"Yes, that's the plan. What's going on, Zayn? I thought you were just distracted by being home again, among your family and friends and your giggling female fan base." I chuckle, trying to lighten the comment.
The lift doors open, and he quietly takes my elbow again. The corridor is deserted.
"How many others live on this level?" I would've thought Zayn lived with his family on a separate, fancy level. Not down here with the other pilots.
"It used to be just my graduating class on this level, but as they moved into scout pilot positions, most of them chose to move up to the active scout pilot levels. I like the quiet down here. The few crew that are on this level are still busy studying for exams or down in the simulators." His voice has taken on a wistful quality.
"Here are our rooms. I'm right across from yours." He places my hand on the bio scanner and a soft snick sounds as the door opens.
I take a step forward, but he doesn't let go of me. I pause, wondering what else he has to say.
He turns me so I'm facing him and wraps his arms around me. At first I'm so surprised I freeze. He's been so distant since we got here. I finally relax into him, his body radiating nervous energy. I frown.
"I'm just still not sure I can make it as an engineer," he whispers into my ear, tickling the hairs that have escaped from my ponytail.
"Of course you can make it in engineering." I tighten my arms around his waist. "You've got natural talent for it. You’ll get more confident the more you do work on these projects."
"It seemed so comfortable and enjoyable when I was working with the crew on Midpoint. But here on the Blue Ridge I feel like everyone is judging me, expecting me to be as good of an engineer as I was a pilot."
Although I would never admit it to him, I'm glad he's not as comfortable working here. I suppress a grin.
"You've been the scout pilot super boy for so long that it's normal of them to expect it of you. You've just started your apprenticeship this past month. You're only at the beginning."
"I know. That's what's so depressing. Since I've just begun, I'm not useful to anyone yet. What if I'd be more useful as a pilot? Especially now with all that's going on."
I feel him trembling. Mindful that we're still in the corridor, I unwrap myself and pull him the rest of the way into my room. I close the door and wrap my arms back around his waist. He folds heavily into me.
We stand there for a long time, just enjoying each other's warmth and comfort. I'm not really sure what else to say. I just didn't think he'd want anyone else to see him this upset.
My mind is so fuzzy from exhaustion that I know we need to get sleep, but I'm afraid to break this connection with him. I missed him the last few weeks more than I thought I would. His vulnerability with me right now has rekindled the emotions we’ve shared.
His trembling eases, and he lets go. I'm so tired I don't even try to mask my disappointment. The sudden loss of his body heat and contact saddens me.
He chuckles, and I feel his lips on mine. I kiss him back, grateful that he's not leaving yet. He guides me backwards until the back of my legs bump into the bed. He lays me down on top of the crisp cover.
I don't say anything, again afraid to break the moment.
He slides in next to me and wraps his arms around me, our bodies pressed perfectly together. Just like in the emergency tunnel on Midpoint.
I sink into him, and before long I feel myself drifting off to sleep, hoping he'll still be here when I wake up. I fight sleep as long as possible, trying to savor this moment, not knowing what tomorrow or the next day will bring.
I awake to my comm buzzing and realize I'm still dressed. And still in my bed with Zayn next to me.
"Is that our wake up alarm already?" Zayn asks groggily beside me.
I sit up. "Afraid so." I smile, glad he stayed all night. It helped mend some of the tension I'd experienced this week.
Zayn stands up, helping me to my feet. He kisses me lightly. "I'll take a quick shower and meet you outside in ten."
"Sounds good."
"Thanks, Talia."
"For what?" I wrap my arms around his waist as he pulls me close.
"For letting me vent. And for being here for me."
"Of course." I feel a pang of guilt at the jealous feelings I've been having. A part of me hopes that this will help him make the decision to join me on the prison ship. I don't want to beg, or come right out and ask him. I know it's a huge decision. There are so many variables, and so many things that could go wrong.
Before we can say more, we hear loud noises on the other side of my door. I frown, confused.
Zayn steps over and opens it.
"Oh, sorry, I thought you were in your room." Erin, of course. "I-I was just going to see if you were heading to breakfast before your meeting."
I turn my head to hide my grin at what this must look like. Zayn and I are both still wearing our clothes from yesterday. Serves her right for trying to rekindle something from the past.
"I'm sure Talia and I will just grab something quickly on the way to engineering," he says without moving out of my doorway.
"Oh, all right. Guess I'll see you tonight, then." I can hear the squeak of her shoes as she slowly turns.
"It's possible I might not make it tonight, Erin."
My heart skips a beat, and I bite my lip to stay quiet. Did he have plans with her?
"You need to be there. We're all looking forward to seeing you." She sounds like she's pouting.
Neither Zayn nor I say anything until her footsteps are gone. My pulse smoothes out a bit as I note that he didn't seem embarrassed to be caught in my room. But it's hard to tell.
"What's tonight?" I ask as casually as I can muster.
"My old team organized a get together at one of the restaurants, just like we used to do during school. Nothing big, just getting together for pizza and conversation."
"Oh, that's nice." I'm really not sure what else to say. I did all my school training on vid or as an apprentice. It was my only option. I'm probably the only teen in the Migration who is blind.
"You're welcome to come with me. If we're able to get away from the project for a bit." Zayn steps back into my room and grabs me up in a hug. "We'll have to eat sometime tonight, right?"
I laugh as he puts me back down on my feet. "So you're not upset at your ex finding you waking up in my room?"
"No, of course not. She's just a friend."
That's not what it feels like. "She seems to be around a lot, for just a friend."
"Yeah, maybe. I don't know." He steps back. "Guess we'd better get ready to head downstairs."
I hear my door close and his open across the corridor. I feel around, getting an idea of just how small my room is. I easily find my crates and the small stash of clothes I brought. The bathroom has a sani-shower, which explains Zayn's amazement at the real water showers on the prison ship.
It's not long before we're both dressed and ready to go. We briskly walk to the lift and exit out onto the engineering level. Zayn shows me another little room tucked alongside engineering where they have coffee, a few breakfast items, and a small food synthesizer if I want more than breakfast. I grab a protein bar and head into the main engineering bay.
As I chew I listen to the chatter around me, until we're far enough into the bay that the machinery noise covers the conversations. I stop in the middle and make a slow circle, listening to everything around me. I smile and inhale deeply. This is my favorite part of every ship. The heart of engineering. The smells of the different fuels, grease, and chemicals that make the ship work. The percussive sounds of tools and the hum of computers and the permanent vibration of the engines in the background. This is heaven.
"Do you need a moment alone?" Zayn teases as he tugs me onward.
"This is my first time in engineering. Be nice." I know I must be grinning like an idiot, but I don't care. This is my happy place, and I'm glad Zayn is here with me.
We stop abruptly as a mechanical cart breezes by just barely missing my foot. I turn to Zayn. "They have supply bots here? Are they over a track?" I puzzle out how I'm going to avoid the automatic bots. Most engineering bays confine their carts to certain patterns, usually along walls or a gridline. Those I'm able to figure out their schedule and patterns fairly quickly. But this bay is huge.
"Yep. I didn't even see that one coming. Did it seem to be going a bit fast?" I remember Zayn's confession to me last night about not feeling comfortable here.
"Yes, it did seem to be going fast. I'll have to talk to the senior engineer about it. I've found that most engineers don't use their bots efficiently enough. Or safely in this case."
"Well, here's your chance." Zayn leans toward
me in the noisy chaos around us. "He's heading straight for us."
"Is it someone I met last night?" I was so tired I don't remember if I met the ship's senior engineer or not.
"No, I don't think so. I didn’t see him until this morning." Zayn straightens up next to me.
"About time you two got here, the rest of the team is ready and I've synced all our badges for better communication. This way, please." His high-pitched voice is already moving before he finishes his sentence.
I stand there shocked. He didn't even introduce himself, or even say hello.
Zayn urges me forward, and we hurry through the engineering bay toward who knows what.
"Where is he taking us, Zayn?"
"I think to his office."
"Office? Your engineer has an office? And we’ll all fit in it?"
"He took over one of the break rooms a few years back. Said he needed the extra room for his apprentices."
"Really? He has that many apprentices at one time? Are you one of them?" I had forgotten to ask Zayn who his official mentor was.
"Yes, he's mentoring five of us. And I'm not sure why he needs an office." Zayn's voice is tense.
"Is there something I should know about this engineer?"
Zayn stops me and leans into my ear. "He went to school with Captain Kae."
I raise my eyebrows. "Captain Reyes did too, and he's not friendly with her," I whisper back.
"Yeah, but this guy keeps in touch with her."
The look on my face must give away the horror I feel because Zayn quickly adds, "But don't say anything, Talia."
"I won't, but does your dad know? And can we trust this guy?"
"Yes, Dad knows. And I'm not sure." Zayn sounds miserable.
"Okay. I appreciate the heads up." We catch up to the engineer as he's opening the door to his office.
The room feels crammed with people. It goes dead quiet when we enter. I can feel a lot of anxiety in this room. I'm betting this engineer practices the same kind of leadership that Kae does, leading by fear.
"Now that we're all finally here…" He stresses the word finally like it's a dirty word. "…we can get started on planning out our part of this project."