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Talia's Planet (Recycling Humanity Book 5) Page 5

  "How many people are here in this room right now?" I ask.

  "Umm… Maybe twenty or so."

  I step close to Destry. "And you still don't really know who else has been helping Kae?" I ask quietly.


  "So then there really isn't a way to guarantee information about Planet 2 will remain a secret, even if I don't say anything."

  The bridge goes silent except for the sounds of computers and electronics humming.

  "What are you getting at, Talia?" Destry whispers back. I think it's possible I might have pushed him too far.

  I hold up a hand. "I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just making a point. Can we just compromise and I'll agree not to say anything about Planet 2 on vid? I'll only tell the engineers and trades workers as needed. I really believe it's important for them to know why we're expecting so much of them."

  This close to Destry I can hear him grinding his jaw. I tense as I wait for his response.

  He lets out a frustrated breath. "Fine. I can understand the crew needing to know. I'll talk to the Council."

  Relieved, I unplug my cube and place it in my pack. "Perfect. Let's start with the engineering team." I turn toward the door.

  "Why don't you get something to eat first? You all look exhausted. Zayn can show you where the best food is. I'll meet you in the engineering auditorium in one hour."

  Reluctantly, I nod and allow Zayn to show the way to the cafeteria level. Erin of course goes with us.


  The Big Picture

  The doors of the lift open and a barrage of food aromas, chatter, and the clink of utensils hits me. It must be shift change because there are a lot of people already on this level. I keep to the wall and filter out the background conversations so I can walk without bumping into anyone.

  The restaurants are right above the dock levels. Zayn still has a light grip on my elbow as we weave through the crowds. It hasn't escaped my attention that he's not holding my hand like he normally would.

  We stop frequently so Zayn can introduce me to another classmate or good friend or yet another instructor. I'm going to starve before we get to the food. Many of these friends are girls. Bubbly, friendly girls. Even Erin seems irritated at all the attention. Her comments to the other girls are clipped, and she has attached herself to Zayn's other side.

  Just about the time I decide I've had enough and need to get out of here, Zayn pulls us into a restaurant nook. The three of us sit, and I let Zayn order for me. I lean my head back against the booth and listen to the conversations around us. There are a lot of different dialects. I guess that makes sense since becoming a scout pilot is like being a vid star. Every habitat wants to have their secondary school graduates get accepted into the Scout Pilot program. It's quite the honor.

  I almost laugh to myself as I think about the fact that I'm sitting here next to the most drooled-after scout pilot in the Migration. Me, an orphaned fuelie sitting next to Zayn Mise.

  But I've never been one to want the attention or status that most teens seek. Even before the fire, all I wanted to do was become a mechanic like my dad. We do our work behind the scenes; keep everything running and the tech moving forward without public kudos or politics. To me that is the most amazing, satisfying feeling.

  I sink farther back into the soft cushion and think about the irony of my situation.

  "Are you all right, Talia?" Zayn's voice, although quiet next to my ear, startles me. I wonder if I drifted off to sleep.

  "I'm just tired." I sit up straight, but Zayn doesn't move away.

  "Getting some food should help. I don't even remember if we ate dinner yesterday." Zayn's hand brushes up against mine underneath the table, causing familiar tingles up my arm. I smile for the first time since we arrived.

  Our food gets to the table in a rush of steam and spicy aromas. Zayn moves his hand to accept his plate, and I instantly feel cold. I'm so confused about Zayn and me, especially since I feel practically invisible since we've been on this ship. Normally that wouldn't bother me; I'm perfectly comfortable with blending into the background. But not with Zayn. I've gotten used to being part of his everyday life.

  I eat without tasting my food. The meal does make me feel slightly better, though, since it fills me up. I let Zayn and Erin carry the conversation. They're talking about people and events that I have no clue about since I didn't grow up here. Finally, they finish their meals and are ready to leave. I'm the first one out of the booth and heading toward the lift.

  The corridors aren't much better now, and we struggle to get to the lift. Again we are stopped by a group of giggling students, whining about Zayn not teaching anymore.

  I let out a noise of frustration under my breath and break away from the crowd as Zayn goes into the now-familiar explanation about being too busy organizing a new scout group. Yes, I'm irritated by the ugly feelings of jealousy blooming in my stomach. But worse is the fact that he’s never once told any of his classmates about his new passion for engineering.

  I follow the corridor wall to the lift and get on with several other people. I cram myself to the back wall. "Engineering level, please," I say, hoping they just think I can't reach the lift controls.

  We let several groups off at other levels before someone says quietly, "Engineering level, miss."

  "Thank you." I smile at the gentle voice and exit the lift. As I get my bearings I realize he's gotten off on this level too.

  "Do you need help finding someone?" he asks.

  I look toward him. "I'm meeting with Dest— Commander Mise in main engineering."

  "Great, we can walk together then, since I'm heading there for the same meeting." He steps toward me. "I'm David Turashvili, one of the bio star fuel engineers."

  I smile and reach my hand out, hoping to get somewhat close to his outstretched hand. Awkwardly, we shake. "Nice to meet you. Bio star fuel is my specialty as well, Mr. Turashvili. I'm Talia Jade."

  "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Miss Jade. I should’ve recognized you. Your work with bio star fuel research is amazing. You're the whole reason we're having to come to this meeting." He drops my hand. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it to come out that way."

  I shake my head. "No need to apologize. It's all right, Mr. Turashvili, I feel the same way about meetings. But it's important to get this project going right away."

  "Yes, yes, of course. Again, sorry. And call me David, please."

  I relax, finding comfort in knowing someone who isn't giggling all over Zayn. "Shall we go find the Commander?" I wave my hand in the direction I think engineering is.

  "Um. It's actually this way." He shuffles his feet. "So it's true you can't see outside of your space suit?"

  My face gets warm. "Yes, I'm blind. And normally I have a really good sense of direction." I laugh. "I'll get my bearings eventually."

  "How about I escort you? Do you mind?" His voice is suddenly soft and low.

  My heart skips a beat. "That would be great. It might take me a day or two to get used to this ship. I'm not as familiar with this one."

  He takes my arm, and we walk in the opposite direction I was heading.

  "So have you been an engineer on the Blue Ridge for long?" I thought I knew every engineer and fuelie, but it hits me that I only know the ones on my gas cat route.

  "Yes, I've been here since I received my license." We turn left down a corridor, and the floor plan for this level finally makes sense in my tired brain. "You know I did my bio star fuel internship on the Gryphon." He laughs, relaxing a bit beside me. "I learned a lot from Captain Reyes. He's a good man."

  I smile. "Yes, he truly is." I turn my face toward him. "I don't remember you on the Gryphon."

  He chuckles. "You were quite young when I was there."

  "Probably right after my accident then. I was quite unsocial for a few years." My shoulders slump.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." His hand squeezes my arm.

  "It's all right." I
mentally shake myself and take a deep breath. "You mentioned my research, how did you come across it? I haven't published anything."

  "Ah. I still have friends on the Gryphon, and they keep me updated on all the new systems and ideas you come up with. I really enjoyed my time there." He sounds wistful and sincere.

  I laugh and nudge him slightly as we walk. "Hopefully, they aren't giving all my secrets away." But talking about secrets reminds me of Zayn and my smile fades.

  "Oh no, I didn't mean they were giving me proprietary information or anything like that," he says rapidly. I feel nervous heat radiating from him.

  I pat his arm. "I'm just teasing, David."

  Before he can say more, other people heading in the same direction join us. They're all talking about the meeting and having to miss out on some sort of social function. David tightens his grip on my arm and I frown as we walk. I slow down so the others can hurry by us. There are warm greetings for David as they pass.

  When they're out of earshot, David leans toward me. "Sorry about that. They don't recognize you either."

  I keep my voice low in case others come up behind us. "I'm not upset about them not knowing who I am. What I'm concerned about is that the Commander hasn't talked to his crew about the importance of this project and why we have to move up the time schedule." Secrets and images of Planet 1 and Captain Kae's angry face all swirl in my mind as a tiny seed of anger grows in my belly. "They just think it’s another engineering meeting."

  We reach the double doors that open up to the auditorium. It takes a second for my sensitive ears to adjust to the increased noise level. To my right, I hear my name being called over the din.

  "Zayn Mise is making his way over here, Miss Jade," David tells me nervously.

  I grit my jaw. "Is Commander Mise up front, David?"

  "Yes, he's waiting by the podium."

  I reach into my pack and take my cube out. "Take me up front, please." I know perfectly well that I could make it down the stairs to the podium on my own. But the anger in my belly is growing, and I don't have time to deal with Zayn.

  "Are you sure? Zayn's almost through the crowd."

  "Yes. Now, please." I grasp his arm.

  "Yes, Miss Jade."

  "And call me Talia, David." I smile at him.

  He stays quiet and walks us briskly down the aisle, making short comments when the next step appears. The steps are uneven, meant to be visually pleasing as a whole, but could've caused me some embarrassment if I had tried it myself. I'm grateful for David's help.

  "Here we are," David whispers.

  I reach out and touch the podium. "Thank you David, I appreciate your assistance." I turn toward the Commander. "Is everyone just about here?"

  "Looks like it. Where's Zayn?"

  "He was busy with his friends, and Mr. Turashvili here was nice enough to bring me here."

  The Commander makes a guttural sound in his throat. He's probably seen Zayn somewhere in the crowd.

  "Commander, are you all right with me running this meeting?" We haven't had time to figure out who was going to do what here. I know what needs to be done, and Destry has the engineers and support staff. But after talking to David, I realize that these people need the why behind what we're about to do, so they know the importance.

  "Yes, that's fine. I'll just introduce you and we'll get started."

  I nod and step back. One good thing about being blind is that I can't see the crowd. It helps to ease my nerves.

  The Commander introduces me and I hear isolated frantic whispers. The people that complained as they passed David and I now realize what they've done. My jaw hurts from trying not to smile.

  The Commander goes over my work as a fuelie and the advances I've made on upgrades to bio star fuel efficiency. He briefly outlines the three projects and that I've already gone before the Council for approval. He mentions the problem with New Earth, easily side stepping the fact that it was kept secret for so many years. Destry is good at this. And Zayn is definitely his father's son. They're both comfortable in front of a crowd and know how to talk so that people never realize anything's been left out. Politics and secrets. I sigh quietly. I can see why being friendly to everyone is so natural to Zayn. I need to not get so irritated with this side of him. It really is one of his strengths. Zayn is meant to be a leader like his father. Even as an engineer, I can see Zayn becoming a strong leader in the Migration.

  When the applause settles down I step up to the podium. I plant my hands on the edges of the faux wood for grounding. I can sense Destry's gaze drilling into me.

  "I want to first thank all of you for meeting us here today. I realize it's been inconvenient to your schedules." I tilt my head, listening to the murmurs all around. "But I assure you that it's of utmost importance that you hear this. Tomorrow we'll begin the second of the three projects that will allow us to find another home planet. These projects are the biggest and most important ones since we left Sol system." I pause and move my "gaze" around the room. I've figured out over the years that it freaks people out when I just stare at nothing, so I've learned to vary what I "look" at to make people feel more at ease.

  "Our survival depends on all three of these projects succeeding. The first phase, which is the upgrade and repair of Midpoint Station, is going well. The crews are working around the clock. As you know, our images of New Earth were compromised when an asteroid struck Midpoint and took out most of its sensor arrays. For the last few years we were unaware that New Earth is actually toxic to human life." There are a few muffled exclamations around the room. I shake my head. Even with all the news vids talking about New Earth, it seems some people still didn't understand how serious of a problem we face. "Once we finally got those clearer images from Midpoint, we knew we would need to look for a new home."

  I let go of the podium and walk to the side. "But Zayn and I, looking through those first wide sensor images from his scout ship," a few cheers go up, most likely from scouts in attendance, "we discovered two viable options for our future home. One of the planets isn't too far off course from New Earth. So that's the direction the Blue Ridge will go. This is the second project. We will retrofit the Blue Ridge with upgrades to the bio star fuel system, upgrade her sensors, and we'll be converting one of the levels into colony storage."

  Loud exclamations sound all around the room. I expected this.

  I raise my hands to quiet the crowd. "Let me explain, then I'll be happy to answer all your questions. If this planet near New Earth is agreeable to human life, and the Council decides it's the one that will be our new home, then this ship will continue on to that planet and pre-colonize it." I raise my voice over the continued murmurs. "We will send several gas cats with the ship, since you won't have a bio star fuel manufacturing plant. Along with the gas cats, a recycling barge will tag along to recycle needed materials from the nearby asteroid belt. If this planet is good, then you'll have all the colonizing supplies and we’ll have raw materials to replenish the rest of the Migration. But if this planet isn't viable, the Blue Ridge needs a way back to the Migration. Understand? So, if the Blue Ridge gets closer and decides with the data coming in from all the new sensors that this planet is not right for us, then you'll use the fuel in the gas cats to return to the Migration."

  "What is the third project for, then?" shouts a deep voice from the back of the room.

  I smile, because this is my favorite project.

  "As I said earlier, we discovered two such viable planets. So the third project will research the second option. We won't be limiting ourselves like we did with New Earth. It was short sighted of us to base our whole navigation plans on outdated science and sensor readings."

  "But if Midpoint hadn't failed, we would've had the updated navigation data." A female voice in the front.

  "Yes, that’s correct. We should've kept a better eye on Midpoint. It was unmanned, which is unfortunate because it’s very important to our mission. I believe we could've outfitted scout ships with bett
er sensors to keep an eye on Midpoint Station."

  Satisfying murmurs of agreement are heard all around the room.

  "But we can't change what’s already happened. Although there are many things I don't see eye to eye with the Council, I have to acknowledge them for being open to learning from past mistakes. With our history of destroying our home planet, this is the kind of leadership we need, one that is willing to learn and be determined not to repeat the past."

  The room erupts in loud applause and I'm stunned. When it settles down I continue.

  "I'm glad there's so much agreement on that. So now you know why the Blue Ridge and Midpoint projects are so important. The third phase will be to retrofit the mostly empty prison ship, the Resurrection, and turn it into a self-sufficient long distance scout ship that will check out our second planet."

  I've decided this crowd is very verbal for engineers. I have to again wait for the exclamations and talking to quiet down. "I know this seems a stretch of our already limited resources, but I assure you it's necessary."

  "Why do that if the first planet looks viable? I know you mentioned that we need to not be short sighted again, but if we're so sure that the first planet is good, then the prison ship project will be a huge waste of resources that might hurt us later on." This voice sounds like one of the older engineers. I might've stepped on his toes without knowing it. He could've been part of the group that was keeping New Earth's secret.

  I pause and look toward the Commander. He stays quiet and allows me to answer. I smile at his trust in me.

  "Because we believe the second planet is a better option. As far as we can tell, it looks bigger and richer in resources all around. But we still have to consider the first planet in case it's better than it looks. As you mentioned our resources are getting low, and there is a mineral-rich asteroid belt on the way to Planet 1. The recycle ships, although not used in over a decade, are still in good condition and will provide the raw materials the Migration needs. This should keep our habitats running so we can reach whichever planet the Council decides on."